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Welcome to OneWay Farm Productions mp4

OneWay Farm Productions


Kennewick WA

Office   (509) 987-5673  



OneWay Farm Productions is a digital video photography and research company based in Washington State. We offer a variety of services such as home and family entertainment, digital distribution, content distribution, commercial bookings, sales and IoT. Our goal is to collaborate with our clients and tell their story through stunning visuals. We are dedicated to creating a better future by investing in research and making our communities more resilient and equitable through research grants and donations. Honor The Moment is our latest project, which aims to create exceptional imagery that evokes pride, delight, and satisfaction. We specialize in creating skilled scripts, shotlists, and expert voice-overs. Our team uses pictorials, graphics, and motion graphics software to design imagery for clients interested in photography, film theory, film criticism, marketing, and brand identity. We believe that our craft can help make the world a better place by bringing people together and promoting a positive image of our communities. We are committed to delivering high-quality work that exceeds our clients' expectations, and we are always looking for new and innovative ways to tell their stories visually.


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